Protecting People - and their Environment

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) information regarding Coronavirus

One Year In, SURFDEVRON Ready to Speed Up At-Sea Testing, Prototype Deliveries (Re: USNI News)

Lack of U.S. Warship Repair Capacity Worrying Navy (Ref: USNI)

PPE CASE – Filtration Efficiency Performance of Non-NIOSH-Approved International Respiratory Protective Devices: Phase One (Re: CDC/NIOSH)

Memo from the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (ASN) Geurts regarding the USS Bonhomme Richard fire.

A Letter of Thanksgiving to the Employees of Marine Chemist Service during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Thomas Jefferson student from Loudoun proposes idea for graphene face-mask (Re: Loudoun Times Mirror)

90-Day Extension to Shipyard Competent Person (SCP) Refresher Training

Planning & Praying for a Hope-Filled Future

6 coronavirus health myths, fact checked (Re: CNET)